Community Acupuncture of Mt Airy (CAMA), a wellness center celebrating its 13th year in 2017, has part-time positions open for acupuncturists. We are an unusual community acupuncture clinic in several ways: we work on tables and not chairs, take the time to educate our patients about wellness and have a higher rate of pay for our practitioners.
- Expertise in fertility/nutrition a plus.
- Hours are flexible;
- pay is commensurate with experience, ranging from $26-$38/hour, depending on experience, and more for fertility work.
We are a beautiful facility with online scheduling, and other alternative modalities such as myofascial release, massage, reflexology, food education and naturopathy. Training on how to inspire, keep and motivate clients is also offered.
We are located at 6782 Germantown Avenue, Philadelphia 19119 (Mt Airy). This is a great opportunity to gain experience treating a variety of different ailments while serving a grateful clientele. This is a steady, enjoyable part-time job for a new or experienced practitioner.
If interested, email Elise Rivers at [email protected] (includ