Acupuncture Clinic Frequently Asked Questions
Does acupuncture hurt?
Many people associate needles with intense pain and are not aware that acupuncture needles are extremely thin & flexible when inserted feels like a mild prick.
How does acupuncture work?
The ancient Chinese recognized a vital force, known as Chi (pronounced “chee”) which is the basis for all life. Chi flows along specific pathways in the body known as Meridians. When Chi becomes blocked, deficient, or stagnant, we experience the signs and symptoms of pain and illness. The acupuncturist learns precise points at which blockages may be relieved. The proper placement of needles enhances the flow of Chi which restores the body and mind to a more harmonious state. Each point has a designated effect on the energy passing through it. This system of medicine came from carefully recorded observations, passed from master to student, over thousands of years. Today, science has been able to measure the electrical charge at these points, thus offering a modern glimpse into an ancient medicinal art.
Can acupuncture help with pain relief?
What are the health benefits of acupuncture?
What if you have a fear of needles?
Acupuncture needles are just a little thicker than a human hair. They are solid, not hollow like hypodermic needles and are made of the highest quality surgical steel. Needles are presterilized, individually packed, and disposable. They are used once, and then discarded. With proper technique, the needles cause little or no discomfort and are painless after placement. A feeling of tingling or heaviness may be felt as the needle contacts the Chi. People generally enjoy their acupuncture sessions and report feeling deeply relaxed during and after treatment.
Should I consult with my physician before getting acupuncture?
Acupuncturists cooperate with physicians and do not make recommendations regarding medications. There are some conditions best treated by Western healthcare, and your acupuncturist may recommend that you visit a physician.