Dr. Van Dinh, D.Ac of AcuVanture LLC

“The Doctorate program at the Won Institute was well worth completing. Working as a full time acupuncturist and having an online program like the Won was definitely doable. I’ve been to a different DAc program before transferring over to the Won and I wish I would of started at the Won. At the time, the Won Institute didn’t start the program yet and as soon as they opened up the DAc, I jumped on it. I was able to complete my work and readings on my time instead of being in virtual classes. The classes were very informative and helps you find different avenues in acupuncture as far as research and teaching. the Doctorate program was definitely a game changer in my business. It helped my practice grow faster due to the title and it gives you the respect you deserve from other healthcare professionals and clients.”

Dr. Van Dinh, D.Ac Class of 2020

Check out Dr. Van Dinh’s Practice

DAc Program Completion Track Webinar - Oct. 8th