Master of Won Buddhist Studies

Won Buddhism Curriculum Outline


9 credits from the three courses listed:

WBS 531 – (3 credits) – Heart of Awakening
WBS 536 – (3 credits) – Cultivating the Mind
WBS 541 – (3 credits) – Ground of Won Buddhist Ethics

1 three-credit course from the following courses:

WBS 650 – (3 credits) – Won Buddhist Homiletics and Liturgy* WBS 660 – (3 credits) – Master’s Degree Project**

*required for ordination track students
**required for general track students


9 credits from the three courses listed:

WBS 520 – (3 credits) – Buddhist Meditation*
WBS 560 – (3 credits) – Basics of Meditation Facilitation
WBS 585 – (3 credits) – Survey of Contemplative Practice
WBS 610 – (3 credits) –Buddhist Pastoral Counseling
CC 570 – (3 credits) –Theory and Practice of Vital Energy I**
CC 575 – (3 credits) –Theory and Practice of Vital Energy II

1 three-credit course from the following courses:

CC 510 – (.5 credit) – Moving Meditation I
CC 520 – (.5 credit) – Moving Meditation II
CC 521 – (.5 credit) – Moving Meditation III

*required for ordination-track students
**required for ordination-track students

Note: Students can fulfill one of the three-credit course requirements with WBS 675 Independent Study in a Practice-related topic with the permission of the WBS Department Chair.


3 credits from the following required course:

WBS 500 – (3 credits) – Critical Thinking and writing research papers

9 credits from the following courses:

WBS 505 – (3 credits) – Basic Buddhist Teachings
WBS 515 – (3 credits) – Issues in Interfaith Dialogue
WBS 545 – (3 credits) – Buddhism and Modernity
WBS 570 – (3 credits) – Applications of Meditation for the Individual & Society
WBS 580 – (3 credits) – Buddhist Psychology
WBS 620 – (3 credits) – History of Buddhist Philosophy and Practice**
WBS 625 – (3 credits) – Won Buddhism Encounters the West
WBS 640 – (3 credits) – Future Development of Won Buddhism
WBS 645 – (3 credits) – The Science of Meditation
WBS 655 – (3 credits) – Won Buddhist Temple Management*
WBS 675 – (3 credits) – Independent Study
CC 590 – (2 credits) – Listening Skills for Health Care Providers
CC 591 – (1 credits) – Mental Health: Special Topics

Note: Students can fulfill 3 credits by a CC 3-credit course not listed above or by an Acupuncture Studies course with the permission of the department chairs.


WBS 550 – (1 credit) – Practicum I*
WBS 680 – (1 credit) – Practicum II*

*required for ordination-track students
**required for general-track students


9 credits from the three courses listed:

PWB 100 – (3 credits) – Won Buddhist Canon I
PWB 110 – (3 credits) – Won Buddhist Canon II
PWB 120 – (3 credits) – History of Won Buddhism
PWB 130 – (3 credits) – The Discourses of Master Sot’aesan
PWB 136 – (3 credits) – The Dharma Words of Master Chongsan
PWB 140 – (3 credits) – Buddhist Sutras

*required for general-track students

Won Buddhist Studies Programs - Fall 2024 Final Deadline 8/1