Embracing Tradition: The Acupuncture Golden Needle Ceremony 2024

Amidst the gentle whispers of anticipation, the Won Institute of Graduate Studies bore witness to a momentous occasion on Thursday, April 10th, 2024. Gathered within its Dharma Hall, the Class of 2025, adorned in a tapestry of dreams and aspirations, stood poised to...

A New Era for Won Institute: Welcoming Dr. Wonsun Oh as President

A Rich Legacy The Won Institute of Graduate Studies is thrilled to announce the appointment of Dr. Wonsun Oh as the new President. A distinguished educator, experienced administrator, and dedicated practitioner of Won Buddhism, Dr. Oh’s inauguration heralds an...

Honoring Dr. Bokin Kim: A Farewell to an Inspiring Leader

In a heartfelt celebration, the Won Institute recently bid farewell to Dr. Bokin Kim, who has served as the institute’s president since 2012. Dr. Kim’s unwavering dedication, exceptional leadership, and significant contributions to the Won Community have...

Won Institute Statement of Support for the AAPI Community

Dear Won Community, With the tragic Georgia shooting of Asian American women, other recent reports of Asian and Pacific Islander Americans being attacked in public, and the general increase in hate crimes over the last four years, I want to clearly state that Won...

The Threefold Practice of Won Buddhism Rev. Grace Song

Original content and video can be found here https://tricycle.org/dharmatalks/the-threefold-practice-of-won-buddhism/ In Won Buddhism, the threefold practice—absorption, inquiry, and making mindful choices—maps out the path to spiritual freedom. Rev. Grace Song...